Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Research Rationale

For my magazine, I intend my target audience to be teenagers from the ages 16-18. I have chosen to use this age range for my target audience as I have a large source of information available to me due to the fact that I go to a sixth form and I can collect research from students in year 11 up to year 13. My age range can leave room for various responses to my research as the younger ages in my age range will possibly give different responses to the older range. This will help me to choose a current genre that my target audience are interested in and also what they like to see on magazines as well as what interests them. Also through collecting responses from  the range of ages I will be able to find an age range that I will focus on due to the research I have collected.

I will conduct my research through asking small focus groups of different ages and then through using the research I will find out what trending and if the ages correlate in what they feel needs to be in a magazine and also what they want. Through asking these different groups it will give me the opportunity to decide fully on what age range I want to focus on. I will give magazine covers to my focus groups and then I will ask questions on what could help me when constructing my magazine as well as further research

I will conduct quantitative and qualitative research. I will do Quantitative research through giving out surveys or through doing online surveys to gain research; I will ask them questions focused on what interests them and what doesn't such as price. I also will collect qualitative research to gain more of an opinion as I will be able to find out what exactly they like in magazines such as font and cover lines as well as pull quotes and poses they find makes them more intrigued. My market research will allow me to help choose my genre and also how magazine layouts effect the audience and how specific layouts intrigue a reader more or less.

I will use web 2.0 to conduct my research through finding magazines and also setting up the survey and collecting my responses. I will also record my focus group responses to get their immediate reaction of what they see on the magazine and their analysis of it as well as their opinions of the magazine itself.

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