Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Test shots

For this stage of my magazine making process. I took images of my model for my front cover. I made sure my model done various poses but all making sure her angle of gaze was straight at the reader. I made sure my model was staring directly into the camera to show Raine Love's Intimidating side as on my front cover the plug is that she's 'in a league of her own'. I also made sure she was wearing a black bomber jacket and a black cap to show her sense of hip hop style and culture.Her outfit which also consists of the grey T-shirt underneath her jacket and her necklace are to show that she is a very chilled out character. Raine Love's mise en scene is to show that she fresh into the music industry and that she's still a typical south London teenager following the trends of hip hop relaxed fashion. Her mise en scene can also show that she's a down to earth artist and wants to let reader get to know her better.

With the image I have chosen for my front cover I intend to use Photoshop to enhance the image as well as removing dark circles from under her eyes, darkening her lip colour as well as removing any blemishes. Raine love tried to do the pose i had originally had in my mind for my front cover with her finger on her lips but after taking the images i noticed that the pose didn't show off the genre of music i am making mu magazine for. The image i have chosen reflects my genre better than the image I had envisioned

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Shot List

Here are my shot list pages , which I have roughly drawn on to show what photographs I would like to take in terms of poses that my artist will do as well as photographs for my contents page. I have also tried to consider costumes and poses.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Flat plan Feedback

I asked two teenagers aged 16 and 17 to feedback their thoughts on my magazine. My two respondents gave me feedback on what they liked, what stood out to them as well as what I could improve. I have included podcasts for the responses below using Soundcloud.

Front Cover Feedback

I asked My 17 year old what she liked about my front cover as well as improvements. She said that the liked 'the use of colour' on the front page as well as the fact that 'the text was not covering the image'.Nawal also stated she liked the fact that the image was 'bold'.
Below I have embedded the podcast of Nawal saying her thoughts on what she liked as well as improvements.

Contents Page Feedback

I also asked Nawal what she liked and disliked about my contents page as well as what I could do to improve. She responded by saying that it 'looks professional'. But she feels that it looks like theirs a lot on the page. An improvement that Nawal said, was that I need to 'add colour as it's an important thing'

Double Page Spread Feedback

Lastly I asked Nawal what she liked and disliked about my contents page and also what improvements I could make. Nawal said she 'likes the layout' but an improvement would be 'adding more colour'.

Lauresha's Feedback 
I asked Lauresha who is 16 what her response was to my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.Below I have included Podcasts on Lauresha's responses.

Front Cover Feedback
Lauresha liked the fact that 'everything is in bold and catches your eyes easier'. Lauresha also liked Lauresha also noticed that the number 21 is now apart of teenagers memories due to the Vine website/app that uploads humorous videos.( listen to the podcast for Lauresha to explain the vine)

Contents Page Feedback

Lauresha said she liked 'how it is separated into sections' as she could tell what is what. she also noticed how the page numbers are in bold which makes her know the distinction between each box.

Double Page Spread Feedback 

Lauresha liked how 'there is a picture on one side and text on the other' she also decontructed the double page spread and said how 'the bold heading attracts the attention of the reader'.

Through asking Nawal and Lauresha it made me realise that my magazine appeals to both of them so far and that my biggest improvement would be ensuring that there's enough colour on the pages. As well as trying to make sure it doesn't look too overcrowded.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Flat Plan

Here is my magazine flat plan for my magazine called ''FRESH''. I have decided to call my magazine fresh as my issue will include an up and coming artist and will be considered as ''FRESH'' and  new. I have used the colours selected from my survey results to be used in my magazine. The colours used in my magazine are black,red and white. I used XXL magazine and Vibe magazine as inspiration when creating my magazine flat plan. 


 My front cover uses the colours red ,white and black. I used the Vibe magazine layout to influence my front cover layout as vibe is a Hip Hop Magazine. I have included real artists names as well as my my artist that I'm going to have as my double page spread.


My contents page was influence by the XXL contents page. I have used the same contents page title but I have used the letter 'F' which stands for the name of the magazine which is 'Fresh'. I have decided to create a magazine issue that has women at the main focus and magazine such as XXL and VIBE rarely have a female focused magazine.


I used a vibe double page spread as inspiration for my double page spread, I used a similar layout in terms of where the text and image are laid out. I intend on using a font that relates to my genre. My double page spread will include information on my artist as well as an interview.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Visual Moodboard

I created my visual moodboard using Animato. I have included words that I associate with my Genre as well as what my magazine represents.I included words such as 'FRESH,EDGY,URBAN,COOL,EXPRESSIVE,DRIVEN,DEDICATED BRAVE and FREE'. theses words are what I want my magazine to include whether it be through pictures or text. I have also included some magazine covers that I feel relate to the words I have listed.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Focus Group

I recorded my focus group which consisted of two teenage girls one aged 16 and the other aged 17. I asked them out of the 4 magazine covers I asked the question ''Which magazine intrigues you the most and why?''. The 16 year old chose the VIBE front cover and alerted me that she liked the background that the model had behind her. She liked the way in which the white and yellow text contrasted with the pink floral background made the cover look professional due to the colour use and how the front cover was presented. The colours used on the front cover could also appeal to both sexes.
I also asked if they thought that the yellow and pink were feminine colours?. My focus group also suggested that even though the colour pink has connotations of femininity it can also appeal to men. The colour yellow is considered a unisex colour as well as the colour white which can appeal to everyone even though the background is pink.
The 17 year old said that she liked the VIBE magazine front cover as well as the TRUE front cover as they utilized colours to make them stand out more to its audiences. As even though the TRUE magazine has a black and white effect the Red text makes the overall front cover stand out. This has made me think more about the text I'm going to use and the colours I want to apply to my text.

I also asked my focus group what they thought about the names of the magazines they had chosen. My focus group said they prefer a magazine to be ''short'' as it is catchier.

Overall from this focus group it gave me an opportunity to find out what draws my target audiences attention and what I need to do with my magazine to intrigue my target audience’s attention.

Below are the magazines that my focus group gave responses to.

Analysis of Audience Research Results

I used my SurveyMonkey account to analyse my results from the survey I created, I received 7 responses for my survey. From doing this questionnaire I found that Hip Hop music is trending which means that the more current style of Hip Hop is trending which means that my magazine should appeal to the modern style of Hip Hop that is out at the moment. Also the responses I received from asking what my target audience liked to read in magazine helped me to find out what is essential to my target audience to have in a magazine. Also how often my target audience read a magazine can also help influence how often my magazine will be issued and also the content of my writing may differ if my magazine is a monthly magazine rather than a weekly magazine. When I asked my target audience what attracted them to a magazine the majority of my interviewees that took my survey said that main image attracted them to the magazine this means that I have to ensure that my main image is eye-catching and also relatable to my genre of music, which is hip hop .  From the responses the colour red and black are the most wanted in magazine from my target audience. I could potentially use the colours red and black as they are related to my genre of music. The last question I asked my interviewees was how much they were willing to pay for a magazine? , the majority said that they would pay £2-£3 for a magazine this could influence my decision of how much I will charge for my magazine.

The highest number of answers was for hip hop being the genre that my target audience liked. This can enable my choice of what genre I could choose for my magazine as well as the type of artist I could choose.
The majority answered that they liked to read the interviews in the magazines. This could influence the content of my magazine as I want my target audience to be intrigued in the content my magazine has.
How often my target audience read a magazine needs to be taken into consideration when I start creating it. As I could create an issue that is issued every 6 months or weekly or even yearly. The fact that my target audience said they read magazines yearly can also be consider. This may be because there isn't magazine out there at the moment intriguing them.

I also asked my target audience what attracted them to my magazine this was to get an idea of what is important to them and therefore should be something I include into my magazine.

I also asked what colours my target audience liked to see in/ on a magazine this was to help decided what colours I could potentially use on my pages. My target audience said they liked red and black the most. This should be taken into consideration when choosing my colour scheme.
I also asked my target audience how much they are willing to pay . The most answers was for '£2-£3' this could be taken into consideration when choosing the price for my magazine as I need to make sure that it is affordable for my target audience.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Audience Research

I created this Survey using the website SurveyMoney. I used quantitative questions as I thought that these questions will give me the best responses as I can easily analyse the results. I shared this survey on Facebook to gain responses from my target audience which is 16-18.

Below I have explained why I chosen these question to be a part of my survey.

What Genre of music do you like?
I asked this question to see what genre of music is trending. Even though this will not deter my genre choice.

What do you like to read about in a music magazine?
I chose to answer this question in my survey as the answer that gets the most response could potentially apart of my magazine.

How often do you read magazines?
Asking how often my target audience reads magazines could help me when creating my magazine as I could create a magazine that could be released weekly, monthly or yearly depending on what received the most responses.

What attracts you to a magazine?
This question can help me find out the most common aspect of a magazine that persuades them to read a magazine.

What colours do you like to see in/on a magazine?
Colours are very important in a magazine. I asked this question to see what colours stand out best in the magazine and what colours my target audience prefer to see in a magazine.

How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?
I asked this question to see how much my target audience are willing to pay for a magazine. The highest response collected could potentially influence the price I will charge for my music magazine. 

Genre Research - Hip hop

This is my research on the Hip hop genre I used Glogster to present my work.I have also included videos of dances and songs from the Hip hop genre.

Artist Profile

I have created a Glogster to present my Artist profile.I intend on using the same artist throughout my music magazine. Raine love will be featured on the front cover as well as in the double page spread.

Reader Profile